Speaking of Speaking

One of the things that's hard for a kids' author is replicating the way kids talk to each other. Not so much the actual vocabulary level, grammar, speaking style, etc. of individual kids (though that's tricky too!), but the way they interact when more than two of them are having a conversation. For once thing, kids haven't always learned the rules of conversational give-and-take yet. By the time we reach adulthood, we've figured out what our local culture feels is the "right" length of pause to indicate you're done speaking, the non-verbal sounds that indicate you're interested, what counts as a rude interruption versus "taking your turn". Kids are still working this out. You get a lot more interruptions, where one child was definitely not done talking and the other breaks in with something that may or may not be related. One of the friends of my favourite eight-year-old pretty consistently responds to this by repeating what he was sa...