
Showing posts from April, 2024

Launch day!

Oh my friends, I am overwhelmed. Today was the launch of "The Nominal Hero" in paperback and ebook, and the outpouring of support from the Nouns community has been just amazing. I hope all of you who bought or downloaded the book enjoy it, I hope your kids enjoy it, I hope it brings you the kind of happiness I'm feeling right now. For those who want to purchase the paperback, you can buy it on Amazon here . All you wonderful people actually managed to make it show up as "Temporarily out of stock" multiple times today, because their processing system did not realize what a fantastic community I am part of; so if you get that message, please just wait a few minutes and try again, and it ought to work. As well, my cover artist, the talented @Messhup , is offering his cover illustration as an open edition on Zora for all you digital art appreciators to add to your collections. This is such a cool idea; I always think it's so neat when people ha

It's so beautiful...

The proofs copy of "The Nominal Hero" has arrived, and it's everything I hoped it would be. I'm going to be launching the book officially this Monday, April 8, and the cover artist, @Messhup , will be putting out an open edition of the cover art on Zora at the same time. I'll be making PDF and ePUB versions of the book available here for free download; like Nouns themselves, this book is in the public domain, and I encourage everyone to share it, remix it, do all kinds of cool things with it, and tell me about them! The paper book will be for sale on Amazon - sadly, not free, since paper and printing cost money and we do not yet live in a Star Trek world, alas. But I will probably give you a copy if we run into each other in person somewhere. :) This is so exciting!